If we were having coffee…or even a cup of tea…the weekend coffee share edition

If we were having coffee…or even a cup of tea…on this sunny Sunday morning, we would be sharing croissants and … More

The three days of Christmas…

I’m sitting here on Boxing Day evening, having returned from Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, enjoyed some leftovers for … More

This week’s small pleasures #157

From stormy weather to glorious sunshine, this has been a week of real changeable spring weather, marking the new season.

Thoughts on Thursday: autumn

After a rather blustery couple of days, we are back to blue skies and sunshine, but I, on the other hand, am feeling lousy. Nothing more serious than the dull aches, dry throat and desire to sleep off the start of a cold, but enough for me to take a day of work, have both a morning nap and an afternoon nap, and read a book.