Six on Saturday 13.11.21

After so many gorgeous sunny days this week, today is wet and grey. It has been a day to stay indoors, drink tea and read rather than being in the garden where I would have got extremely wet. Our cat refuses to go out as well. So a bit of a curtailed six this week, with some photos taken on Wednesday and the ones with raindrops, today. Thanks to The Propagator who encourages us to share what is going on in our gardens in all parts of the world. Check out the participant guide if you want to join in.

First up, the wild strawberry, which is just covered with flowers and tiny berries. Come back soon sun so you can ripen these little treats.

Over in herb corner, there are some lovely healthy looking leaves on the lemon balm, and the two new plants, the lemon bergamot and variegated lemon thyme seem to be doing well, and as predicted, the old parsley has gone to seed.

Now to new growth, and the hymenocallis which I just left in its pot all winter, is poking its head above the soil (and yes I am aware the pot needs weeding!) and the new dahlias are all still growing. I hold my breath each day when I check on them.

At number four, the deutzia is looking so pretty with all the white flowers. The plant sits on the steps up to the house, and am not even 100% sure if it is ours, but I am claiming it anyway.

At the back of the house, I found some ferns about to unfurl as well as lots of green of all sorts from ferns, to ivy as well as a bank of daisies and lots of agapanthus. Yes the season for this very pretty weed is just around the corner. The ones at the back of the house cling to the steep hill behind the house, too high up at a difficult angle for me to do anything about. There are already some in flower next to the bus stop.

Finally, camellias in the rain, because I could take photos of them without getting wet, as well as them looking pretty. It looks like we will have rain until Wednesday. Ah well…such is spring…

That is my six this week, and as usual, I am looking forward to seeing everyone’s beautiful gardens in other parts of the world. Hope you are all well and enjoying your gardens in whatever the season is with you. 

You can find Thistles and Kiwis on Facebook, and also on Instagram @thistlesandkiwis.  As for Twitter….am totally inactive these days.  If you want to get in touch, email me on thistlesandkiwis@gmail.comix


  1. All your green foliage looks so healthy and full of promise, just as ours are all dying back! I have a camellia which is just about to start flowering, hopefully the buds will open soon. I hope the sun soon shines for you again so you can enjoy all your strawberries!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. A terrible day here too, and we are, dare I say it, tired of rain and cool weather. Your garden looks lovely and green with shiny rain covered leaves. I love the fern frond about to unfurl.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I should probably bring our lemon balm in for the winter, though it’s now quite big. Borderline hardy here. I love Deutzia though it’s a shame they have no scent, but the new one I planted last year is flat to the ground and I don’t know whether to support it (not pretty), put it in a pot (too wide spreading) or what. I’m clicking “like” for the camellia and ferns too.

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    1. The deutzia clings to a slope and I do wonder who planted it as it is semi on the public footpath (we live in such a Wellington set up…perched on a steep hill…). We are still enjoying the camellia in front of the house and ferns are always lovely I think.


  4. A lovely overview of your garden plants, which reminds me to get my potted herbs on the go again. At least I can water them with a bucket 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I really like your Deutzia, so pretty and I don’t think I’ve seen that plant before, I must look out for it. Your garden is looking lovely and wet, ours is almost drowning at the moment!

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  6. One person’s weeds…Agapanthus are quite popular here, as a tropical potted plant. I’m enjoying a rainy weekend as well, with morning coffee, Sixes to read and a fire going to chase away the dampness. Have a lovely weekend!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Beautiful photos love how shiny squeaky clean all the foliage looks. We had 38c humid day 2 days ago & yesterday 23c & I had to wear my safety riding hat in the house yard as the wind was nuts tossing everything at me. Today so far calm sunny & perfect. lol Have a wonderful week ahead.

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  8. The wild strawberry is flourishing, and hopefully you can get to the fruit before the birds do! I finally bought 4 little plants and have put them in their own large pot. So far I have had 4 sweet fruit from the plants. Your herbs are looking great! I really like your Deutz plant. Do the flowers have a perfume?

    Liked by 1 person

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