This week’s small pleasures #385

It really feels like we are now heading into proper autumnal days with dark and chilly evenings just making us want to cosy up on the sofa. The early mornings are crisp too, and after a grey, damp and miserable Thursday we had some glorious sunny weather at the weekend and today. The picture below of the moon in the morning was taken on Friday morning – everything looked so peaceful, positive and cheerful.


On Wednesday, after Pilates, I grabbed a sandwich at a favourite cafe, Shelley Bay Baker on Leeds Street. This time I had the halloumi, salad and very good spicy pickle on a ciabatta. On Friday I treated myself to Floridita’s green eggs and ham (poached eggs, ham, sautéed spinach and a parsley hollandaise). This is rich, satisfying and always really good.

In the basket…and other things

The Wonky Box delivered some good things this week – a lovely curly lettuce, courgettes, parsnips, kumara, carrots, tomatoes, a bag of Brussels sprouts and a kholrabi (which I roasted with last week’s carrots and the sprouts for work lunches). I can’t believe we are already in persimmon season, but yes we are, so I picked up a couple mid week. I also got some soup mix, some crunchy almond butter and this choco chilli tea which I tasted in the shop and decided it would be great for the colder months ahead. I also picked up some spinach, another lovely bunch of cavolo nero, potatoes, lemons, apples and golden kiwi fruit.

I took Friday as an additional holiday, and popped into Good House Keeping, a lovely home goods and ‘eco store’ at the top of Cuba Street full of brushes, ecological products and piles of wooden spoons and other fun things. I picked up a bag of wooden pegs, another butter knife, some make-up removal pads and a little spatula, though I am not sure what I will use the last of these for (suggestions welcome!). I also visited The Nut Store, a wonderful little shop full of all sorts of nuts. On this visit, I picked up some hazlenuts and pecans.

A day trip

Sunday turned out to be a gorgeous sunny day, so we got out of the city and drove over the hills, stopping first in Greytown for lunch at Main Street Deli (where I had the Swedish shrimp open sandwich, served on proper rye bread) before driving to Martinborough for some wine shopping, browsing and looking at the Anzac crosses and poppies.

Simple things

  • Revelling in autumn sunshine and autumn colours.
  • Finding a lot more time for reading.
  • Enjoying good food and wine – out of the house and at home.
  • Getting a good stretch at Pilates.
  • Spending time in the kitchen…think of a fish pie, the filling bubbling over the potato and kumara topping.
  • Spotting fungi outside the house and on the lawn.

What were your small pleasures this week? Here are some other blog posts from a few fellow bloggers looking at the good things in life.

Thistles and Kiwis is a Wellington, New Zealand based blog written by Barbara, who likes cats, summer, good food and pretends to garden.

You can find Thistles and Kiwis on Facebook, and also on Instagram @thistlesandkiwis. If you want to get in touch, email me on


  1. New Zealand is such a foodie place! Some of the foods you buy along the way (Grey Town and Martinborough) sound delicious …Enjoy!
    PS we have had some lovely autumn weather too, but sadly today is dreary and raining.

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  2. We are enjoying beautiful summery sunshine here with birds twittering in the garden. I enjoy this time of autumn when the days are warm and the nights start getting chilly.

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  3. Lovely weather you’ve had Barbara, we’ve had much of the same and the colours are really starting to show in the trees here. I’ve put the fire on for the Mathematician’s return from Kokoda and it seems set to stay on now! A lovely collection of small things, so my post fits right in, thank you!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. The ANZAC crosses are very touching. I have several churchyards with war graves near me, including one of the largest ANZAC ware greave sites in the UK. They are beautifully cared for and not forgotten.

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  5. Hi, Barbara – I watched a Netflix documentary last evening called Hack Your Health: The Secrets of Your Gut. Bad title, but thought-provoking film. The biggest takeaway was to count not calories but the number of different fruits and vegetables that you consume each day (20 – 30 different types being the goal). I remain jealous of your Wonky Box – it’s a perfect way to help achieve this goal!

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    1. I’m trying to add more veggies to my diet in subtle ways, and the veggie box does help. There was a podcast I listened to on ZOE that also mentioned that goal – seeds and nuts count too which helps. And so much easier and enjoyable than counting calories.

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  6. I always start to feel hungry when I read you post and the wonderful descriptions of the things you’ve ate throughout the week. I jus thad diner, but still…

    The day-outing and the lovely weather all sounds wonderful. It’s been windy here today but as I am getting ready for bed I noticed that the wind calmed down and the sun is shining. We are looking forward to warmer temperatures tomorrow and the next coming days.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. You always seem to be able to find something interesting to eat. I would like to live in a place offering more variety than we have here but it wouldn’t be so peaceful as Langholm.

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  8. Roasted kohlrabi? We eat it raw like a radish. I’ve cooked it a couple of times but never liked it. Will try again this year. Great lunches out and your day trip looks wonderful.

    Liked by 1 person

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