Six on Saturday 20.03.21

You can really feel we are entering autumn. The mornings are darker and cooler and there is a small, but … More

This week’s small pleasures #233

The past week seems to have drifted by, with sunshine, rain and a little wind, heralding the last days of summer and the start of autumn. I have already seen feijoas for sale.

Six on Saturday 06.03.21

After another pretty humid week, today started with rain, was followed by sun, and is now a bit grey and … More

This week’s small pleasures #221

Here we are, already half way through the month, with holidays fast approaching. I can hardly wait for the summer … More

Six on Saturday 12.12.20

Greetings SoSers from a sunny Wellington, after many a rainy day this week. It has been wet and warm, the sort of weather that makes my hair frizz and things grow. I only have five more working days to go until three weeks of summer/Christmas holiday and I honestly can’t wait to be free of sitting at a computer all day.

This week’s small pleasures #168

A bit of a strange week….with good things and bad things…with a lovely day on Wednesday and then having a … More