Six on Saturday 21.01.23

It is a lovely sunny day here in Wellington. We escaped the worst of Cyclone Hale which hit the north east of the country, but did have some heavy rain on Wednesday. Things are growing out there, and I even got out today and did some tidying up (see below) and repotted one of my indoor plants before the sun came round and made it too warm to be outside. Plus we had to go to the vet this afternoon…let’s just say our Charlie has got into another scrape and had to have an eye operation…. Anyway, thanks to Jim at Garden Ruminations, for hosting Six on Saturday, whose knowledge of all things plants and gardening makes him an ideal host.

First up, we had to have two trees chopped down – one was practically leaning on the house, and the other one had branches resting onto the roof. While one of the trees at the side of the house seemed to be removed with little mess (ie they tidied up) the second tree left a huge mess, logs randomly piled up, plants crushed and sawdust everywhere. Needless to say I was not at home when the job was done.

Anyway, there are still a few alstroemerias around and also lots of seed heads too. It is nearly the end of the season for them but they have, as usual, been gorgeous to look at.

We actually got to the garden centre this week, and I picked up two new parsley plants (the other ones having gone to seed), a purple sage and another mint plant as I could do with another one since I use it a fair bit. The picture below is not of four blue pots…look carefully and you will see the herbs against the green of the trees behind!

So to the other herbs for number 4 – lots of tarragon and oregano to make flavoured vinegars for the winter season, sage to enjoy now and another picture of progress with the echinacea, which is in far too small a pot for the tall, willowy plants and really needs to be moved on.

At number five we have this week’s nasturtium pictures for your delight – that is if you like them and their cheerful faces. The bees love them too. I’ve picked a good handful of seeds and have them in sitting in salt before pickling them.

To end, another picture of the dahlia in the featured image at the top of the page. The variety is Pablo and I am just so delighted to see this plant at least bloom this year. I can see two more buds, so fingers crossed.

That’s all from me folks for this week. As usual, I am looking forward to seeing everyone’s beautiful gardens in other parts of the world. Hope you are all well and enjoying your gardens in whatever the season is with you.

Thistles and Kiwis is a Wellington, New Zealand based blog written by Barbara, who likes cats, summer, good food and pretends to garden.

You can find Thistles and Kiwis on Facebook, and also on Instagram @thistlesandkiwis. If you want to get in touch, email me on or


  1. Bravo for the dahlia! It’s very pretty. These 4 flashy blue pots are very eye-catching (and you have to zoom in to see what’s inside…which is also very interesting 😀)

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Your Charlie must cost you a fortune in vet bills! He seems to be quite accident prone. I let my parsley seed itself and the flowers are quite pretty too. I have parsley growing in all sorts of places, but when I actually sow seed myself it never germinates!

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    1. Yes this past year Charlie has given us a few headaches! I guess he is getting older and there are some new cats about.

      Aren’t there superstitions about planting parsley seeds, like it needs to be a full moon or something?

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  3. I am also delighted with your Dahlia. That is a pretty one. I hope Charlie recuperates well. I have gotten attached to heirloom Italian parsley and have started new plants this year. Not eating any yet!

    Liked by 1 person

      1. It’s Giant of Italy Parsley, lasts two years here, super intense flavor. Poor Charlie, I am glad he is better. The Rottweiler down the street bit my dog a couple of weeks ago, the nursing can be a trial.

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  4. I have rooted some mint and basil from packets of cut herbs bought in the supermarket. Once the weather cools a little I plan to pot my experiments and am hoping they will grow successfully. I am glad to hear Charlie is recovering: we no longer have a cat (sadly!) but I am regularly woken by cat fights in our garden at night.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hope your herbs grow. Mint and basil are so useful to have around.

      We have spent the day giving Charlie his eye drops but his eye is not looking so good this evening. We go back to the vet tomorrow.


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