Wordless Wednesday: iconic buildings and other things

For this week’s (semi) Wordless Wednesday we journey back to the South Island, to Cardrona and the famous Cardrona Hotel, adjacent buildings and old petrol pump. It is one of the oldest hotels in New Zealand, and one of the most photographed buildings in the country (I think Dunedin Railway Station is number one).

Also featured today is a little bit of Glenorchy, a small town sitting on the northern shores of Lake Wakatipu. The iconic railway shed beside the wharf can be seen below. Interesting fact: Glenorchy was officially a railway station due to the fact that all the steamers that docked there were actually owned by the New Zealand Railways. The rails from the end of the wharf, which were used to move goods to the shed, were the shortest length of railway in the country. The streets are nearly all named after places in Scotland too!

You can find Thistles and Kiwis on Facebook, and also on Instagram@thistleandkiwis.  As for Twitter….am totally inactive these days.  If you want to get in touch, email me on thistlesandkiwis@gmail.com


  1. I adore the South Island, been to Queenstown twice, next year we are hoping to do a tour so I will put this on my list of places to see.

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