Sunshine and wine

The weather on Saturday was such a contrast to the previous few days – no wind, sunshine and blue skies.  Yes it is still winter, but a day when all you need is a warm sweater and a cosy coat.

This weekend the Winetopia wine tasting event came to Wellington for the first time. All the wines showcased were from New Zealand, some of the names familiar and some not. The event was held down at Shed 6, so after Pilates I strolled down to the waterfront to meet Karl ,and go on in to taste some wine.  We had bought the basic package, which got us a rather nice glass (with the sponsors, Singapore Airlines, logo on it which means it won’t be one brought out for guests!) and 5 tokens for 5 tastings.  I confess to not paying attention to how many vineyards were represented, but there were a lot, arranged by region.  There were also a few food stalls, talks and premium, guided tasting events.

A piper at the entrance

We wandered about from stall to stall, sipping whites, reds and sparkling wines in a rather random order, as one tends to do at these events.  To eat, we had some pâté and ham from The Prodigal Daughter, which was just the thing to go with the wine.  We also enjoyed some fizz from No 1, who specialise in sparkling wines.  Oh and yes, we did buy some more tokens!

Winetopia in full swing
Time for pinot
Time for chardonnay
And what we bought

And that was Saturday afternoon.  There was nothing much more to do than come home, take a nap with the sun pouring in the windows, and laze the rest of the day away.

You can find Thistles and Kiwis on Facebook, and also on Instagram @blof678.  As for Twitter….am totally inactive these days.  If you want to get in touch, email me on

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