One brioche, two cats and several choux puffs

Like last week, I’ve been able to work at home a couple of days, which is kind of nice, especially when the sun shines and I have feline visitors.  Yes, visitors plural, as it seems that Misse Moj is now friends with the grey cat, which we have christened Misse Grå.  Misse Grå is a lot more timid than Misse Moj, but did venture inside the house for a couple of minutes. I guess it knows this is Misse Moj’s territory, and is only ‘allowed’ to come here with permission.


Misse Moj and Misse Grå sunbathing


Pass the sun tan lotion will you Misse Moj?


Misse Grå goes for a stroll

Apart from cats, welcoming Karl home from Scotland, from which he returned bearing gifts, and yet another great Pilates class, I went to my third French pastry and patisserie class.  This week we had a demonstration of what would eventually become mille feuille pastry.  It was great fun to watch our teacher bash out a whole pack of butter with a rolling pin before adding it to the rest of the mixture. Naturally, this is a long process, so he was unable to finish the final product, but it was good to learn what to do and all sorts of little tricks. He also showed us how to make brioche, which, as they are a yeast based product, need time to rise, so our finished product was not as light as it should have been.  Again, the skill with which he rolled balls of dough into perfect shapes was fantastic to watch.  We all queued up to have our own go at making a little brioche.  I can’t say mine was perfect but it tasted good and really buttery.


My first little brioche

We also finished our little choux puffs, which I have to say were really delicious, and were eaten in seconds by the boys when I got home.

IMG_1060IMG_1061Choux pastry puffs filled with vanilla creme patisserie

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