Reading, Watching, Listening: 2018

As the end of the year approaches, lots of bloggers are doing reviews of the year gone by, and I have to confess, I am jumping on that particular bandwagon as well.

February Favourites: watching, listening, reading

Can you believe it is the end of February already?  For us in the southern hemisphere, it also marks the … More

Favourites: Watching, Listening, Reading December and 2017

So here we are at the end of the year, with a final round up of a month’s media consumption … More

The taste test (or how it is easy to find good vegan sausages but not vegan cheese)

In these few weeks of eating a mostly, and I stress mostly, plant based diet, (there are a few things I have noticed.  First, of all I haven’t craved meat at all. Second, if I was out and there was smoked salmon or seafood on a menu, I know I would be tempted.  Third, vegan cheese is very much hit or miss.  

Watching, listening, reading: August

Here we are again at the end of the month and the end of winter for us in the Southern Hemisphere.  This means it’s time once again for a round up of this month’s media consumption.