Words on Wednesday: reading in November

I was looking for a quote about reading to use in this post and came across this one from Jean Rhys: Reading makes immigrants of us all. It takes us away from home, but more important, it finds homes for us everywhere.

This week’s small pleasures #219

Today is the last day of November, St Andrew’s Day (patron saint of several countries including Scotland) and also the … More

Six on Saturday 28.11.20

Here we are at the end of November, and only three more SoS posts after this one before Christmas. Can you believe it?

Words on Wednesday: Beervana 2020

Apparently, Plato said “he was a wise man who invented beer.” As I came across this on a quote website, … More

Six on Saturday 21.11.20

It is a grey and windy day here (northerlies at least, but still up to 110km/h) so not a day to be out gardening. Parts of the South Island are having some really awful weather, with gale force winds and heavy rain, so we have got away with things lightly.

This week’s small pleasures #217

Gosh…week 47 of the year (according to my diary), and only 45 days until the end of the year (again, according to my diary).

Six on Saturday 14.11.20

After a very wet week, the sun has returned. I was able to get out and finish some of the planting, a little bit of repotting, and stand back to consider how much everything has suddenly grown