Six on Saturday 05.06.21

The shortest day approaches here in the Southern Hemisphere. It is the season of dark mornings walking to work, cooler days and time to rug up and light candles. After a very rainy start to the week, we have had some much brighter days and daytime temperatures around 15-16C, which for our household who grew up in Northern European, feels quite balmy for winter. There is a fair bit of repetition in this week’s post, but there isn’t a lot new…well….maybe there is as you will see below. Anyway, thanks once again to The Propagator for allowing us to share what is going on in our gardens. Check out the participant guide if you want to join in. Let’s look at this week’s six.

To start with, yet more flowers on the tecomanthe speciosa or Three Kings’s Vine. I know…every week I put these in this post….but honestly I love to share these gorgeous flowers.

At number two, the bright yellow of the mahonia. The top picture is of one plant that stands beside the steps up, and is taken looking down on it. The other one is beside the house. I guess in a few weeks time I will be showing you the berries.

At number three, surprises, including the first hellebore, a cheeky little nasturtium and yet more bulbs peeping. These are ones that were left in pots from last year, and in case you are wondering if this is early, there are daffodils are already also peeping above ground in the Botanic gardens.

A bit like the first item, a recurring plant in my Six on Saturday posts at the moment is the dahlia. I spotted a bee, who looked almost drunk on the pollen, when I popped out for some pictures after lunch today.

At number five, the light and smell of winter accompanied by the noise of a tui (just visible on the tree). I am sure you know what I mean – that crispness, the sun shining but low in the sky, the smell of woodsmoke rather than barbeque. Those lovely winter days that we love to treasure – it is one today.

Finally, a camellia update. You can see what the plant in front of the house looks like from the featured image at the top of the post. Below, more flowers and buds, and the first white flower has bloomed. There are loads more to come, so expect more camellias in the weeks ahead.

That is all for me for this week folks – off to see some dance this evening and enjoy the Queen’s Birthday holiday on Monday.

As usual, I am looking forward to seeing everyone’s beautiful gardens in other parts of the world. Hope you are all well and enjoying your gardens in whatever the season is with you. 

You can find Thistles and Kiwis on Facebook, and also on Instagram@thistleandkiwis.  As for Twitter….am totally inactive these days.  If you want to get in touch, email me on


  1. I still find it hard to get my head around the fact that on the other side of the world, the season is the opposite to what we have here. Sounds like a very mild and civilised winter in any case. The camellia looks impressive against the blue sky, and what do you know, you’ve still got nasturtiums!

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  2. I’m pleased you are showing us the Tecomanthe again, as the flowers are beautiful! Our balmy autumn days will end soon as there is a huge old front moving in next week. I’m trying to make the most of the time in the garden before then. The camelia is a lovely colour,

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  3. You are so right about winter days, and the smell of fires rather than braais. It is like that here now, and it is very nice. It feels like a very mild winter, and I have been surprised by how many plants are willing to grow at this time. I am new to having a raised bed; usually, I would be doing v little in the garden, but this year, there’s all sorts going on (mainly self-seeded tomatoes and marigolds, but there we go).

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  4. Your winter temperature is about the same as we have been having here! Although last weekend was rather lovely, I doubt we have even reached 15 degrees today in my part of Cornwall. In fact my white camellia is still hanging on to a few flowers! Your white dahlia is charming – do you know the name?

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