This week’s small pleasures #332

Despite having a cold this week, laying me low on Tuesday and Wednesday, there were still a lot of small pleasures to celebrate and enjoy. Actually, I was fine by the weekend, and was able to enjoy Pilates, get into the kitchen and even get through a pile of ironing. Mind you, I did watch another episode of Maigret from 1960 to help me through that (gosh they did smoke a lot during the episode!). Anyway, back to the good things of the week.

Eating out

First up, we returned to an old favourite this week, MariLuca Ristoro, a lovely old fashioned Italian restaurant with excellent service and good food. We shared the always excellent bruschetta, and then I had Spaghetti alla Carbonara and Karl the Fettuccini alla Bolognese. Lovely!

More food

In the shopping basket this week were first of the new season parsnips and Brussels sprouts, staples lemons and onions, another beautiful looking radicchio. a head of witloof or chicory, and apples. And so to lunch…and I worked at home on Thursday, and made myself a sandwich with sheep milk Gouda, microgreens, cucumber and salami with some red cabbage sauerkraut, and had lunch on Monday at August Eatery, enjoying once again the Istanbul eggs (poached eggs, Greek yoghurt, aleppo pepper butter, dill and sourdough toast).

An extra day off

Tomorrow, Tuesday, is Anzac Day, and a public holiday both here and in Australia. I also took today off, and with not working Wednesdays, am enjoying the small pleasure of a 5 days free from the office. I had a couple of errands to run, and stopped off at my favourite tea shop tLeafT for a large bag of Earl Grey blue flower tea and a bag of coconut rooibos which sounds perfect for cooler days. I also went to GoodFor for a browse and picked up some of their lovely dried apple rings, currants and black sesame seeds. Below you can just see a little cheeky sparrow that hopped in to the shop, hoping to pick up spillages. I couldn’t help but pop into nearby Good Books for a browse (and yes I did buy something…). I also picked up these lovely autumnal coloured candles from iko iko on Cuba Street.

The mural below, on the orner of Jessie and Taranaki Street is by British street artist Phlegm and dates from 2016. It represents the history of the building which is owned by Trevor Bettany and has been in his family since the 1930s when they were importing, servicing and maintaining cinema projectors. It worth taking a bit of time and looking at the detail of the work which is full of fascinating detail.

Simple things

  • Hearing that the one of the book club members won NZ$500 in a crossword competition.
  • Saying hello to two gorgeous short haired griffons in the cafe on Monday. Lovely wee dogs!
  • Having time to read and drink tea.
  • Lighting candles, drinking wine and being cosy.
  • Seeing sunshine after the rain.
  • Spotting the first camellia flowers on Sunday afternoon.

What were your small pleasures this week? Here are some other blog posts from a few fellow bloggers looking at the good things in life. 

Thistles and Kiwis is a Wellington, New Zealand based blog written by Barbara, who likes cats, summer, good food and pretends to garden.

You can find Thistles and Kiwis on Facebook, and also on Instagram @thistlesandkiwis. If you want to get in touch, email me on or


  1. What an uplifting post! I have just had a ‘flu jab in anticipation of our forthcoming trip to Norway as well as the influx of visitors to our town in the middle of winter to attend the National Arts Festival.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Good to know you recovered quickly from your cold, and how nice to have a whole week to yourself, I remember that feeling when I was still working. The mural is absolutely stunning, one of the best I have ever seen, the details are amazing.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. We’ve just had a lovely getaway to Melbourne for a long weekend and it was so good to do something different, ride our bikes in new locations and catch yup with my sister and brother-in-law. Small pleasures indeed! Your week sounds good and it seems we’re both on the countdown for big trips away 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I remember when I worked full time — 5 days off was like pure heaven! I am glad you filled it with things you love to do. Your lunches and suppers look delicious!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. You recover quickly from illness Barbara! and you don’t let it stop you from enjoying your week ❤️ ❤️ ❤️

    Sounds a great way to lead up to Anzac Day – hope it was a good celebration!

    As always, you have me drooling over your food. I have never had Istanbul Eggs before – that looks & sounds absolutely delicious!

    Liked by 1 person

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