Six on Saturday 12.12.20

Greetings SoSers from a sunny Wellington, after many a rainy day this week. It has been wet and warm, the sort of weather that makes my hair frizz and things grow. I only have five more working days to go until three weeks of summer/Christmas holiday and I honestly can’t wait to be free of sitting at a computer all day.

Six on Saturday 28.11.20

Here we are at the end of November, and only three more SoS posts after this one before Christmas. Can you believe it?

Six on Saturday 21.11.20

It is a grey and windy day here (northerlies at least, but still up to 110km/h) so not a day to be out gardening. Parts of the South Island are having some really awful weather, with gale force winds and heavy rain, so we have got away with things lightly.