If we were having coffee…or even a cup of tea…

If we were having coffee…or even a cup of tea…we would be sitting with a cup if Earl Grey tea, sharing a large Afghan biscuit from our local deli. We agree it was very good (you can see a bit of it in the featured image).

If we were having coffee…or even a cup of tea…we would talk about our health and how once you find one thing, other things seem to appear. You say it is the joy of getting older and I say yes…but we can stay as fit as we can and keep young at heart. You agree.

If we were having coffee…or even a cup of tea…I would say that I had another cheese scone at tha cafe at the top of the cable car yesterday while waiting for the doctor. You say this is becoming a habit and I say well hopefully I won’t ‘need’ to go there again soon and you laugh.

If we were having coffee…or even a cup of tea…I would tell you about my Thursday, which was more like a normal Wednesday. I had the day off, and started with Pilates before getting a new watch strap and walking up to Fred’s on Cuba Street who make some of the best sandwiches in town. You say oh yes they are good, and I say yes, I particularly like their tuna melt, and you say I must try that one.

If we were having coffee…or even a cup of tea…we would talk about the month past, about films we saw on the French Film Festival, books we had read and TV we had watched (particularly enjoyed the French drama Les Sauvages (The Savages watched on Kanopy) and Defending Jacob (on Apple TV).

If we were having coffee…or even a cup of tea…I would naturally ask you to stay for dinner, which tonight is Jerusalem artichoke soup with ham and cheese toasties on the side, and you say that sounds fantastic. And I say there is even cake left over from the weekend and you say, even better.

Tomorrow (Friday 28 June this year) is Matariki here in New Zealand, the Māori new year. Mānawatia a Matariki!

Thistles and Kiwis is a Wellington, New Zealand based blog written by Barbara, who likes cats, summer, good food and pretends to garden.

You can find Thistles and Kiwis on Facebook, and also on Instagram @thistlesandkiwis. If you want to get in touch, email me on thistlesandkiwis@gmail.com or lofgren@thistlesandkiwis.co


  1. Hey there! If we were having coffee or tea, I would tell you that your Thursday sounds lovely, especially the visit to Fred’s for sandwiches. It’s great to hear about the French Film Festival and the TV shows you enjoyed. Jerusalem artichoke soup and cake sound like a perfect dinner choice! Happy Matariki for tomorrow.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. If I was having coffee or tea with you, I would tell you that the French Film Festival was nearly over, in Canberra, but we went managed to see “A Great Friend” a lovely film about life, ups and downs, with beautiful scenery, and amusing.

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  3. “how once you find one thing, other things seem to appear. You say it is the joy of getting older and I say yes…but we can stay as fit as we can and keep young at heart. You agree.”

    I do indeed!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Jerusalem artichoke soup … yum! I’ve also bookmarked that sandwich cage in Cuba St for when I’m in Wellington in August. Thanks for linking up.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Hi Barbara, I love Earl Grey Tea so would definitely enjoy a cuppa with you. I would agree about health and aging. Things start to happen and we can only try to do what we can for our health whilst still enjoying life. I’ve never eaten an artichoke would you believe but your soup looks delicious and perfect for chilly winter evenings. Thanks so much for linking up and supporting #WBOYC? and have a lovely weekend. x

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Sue – keeping active, mentally and physically is so necessary. Jerusalem artichokes are not the same as artichokes…the former a root vegetable which is good roasted or in a soup. Have a wonderful weekend and thanks for hosting #WBOYC.


  6. I do like the sound of an Afghan biscuit and a cup of tea with you Barbara – any time! Thanks for joining is for #WBOYC


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