Words on Wednesday

As I mentioned in Monday’s post, we got a spaghetti squash in our vegetable box delivery. I looked at this melon shaped object and thought – dealing with this needs help.

After much Googling, I decided to opt for Love & Lemons method of cooking, as it looked the easiest and most straightforward. You simply cut it in half, scoop out the seeds, season, add olive oil and bake for about 40 minutes at 200C, cut side down. She also suggests poking holes in the skin, which I did. Once cool, take a fork to the flesh and ‘make the spaghetti’.

I also decided to use this to make spaghetti squash with chickpeas and kale, also from Love & Lemons, substituting cavolo nero, which was in the fridge.

And then, of course, with us being close to the shortest day of the year, the light began to fade so the final picture is not the best. The final dish is topped with parmesan. I served it with homemade lamb burgers and couscous.

Verdict? I think I slightly overcooked the squash, but the mix was quite good and think it would be great with some tangy and salty feta on top. I believe there is another spaghetti squash in next week’s box, but at least I now know a basic cooking method. We will see what I do with it!

Also sharing in Min’s Wednesday Words and Whimsy #wwwhimsy linkup.

Thistles and Kiwis is a Wellington, New Zealand based blog written by Barbara, who likes cats, summer, good food and pretends to garden.

You can find Thistles and Kiwis on Facebook, and also on Instagram @thistlesandkiwis. If you want to get in touch, email me on thistlesandkiwis@gmail.com or lofgren@thistlesandkiwis.co


    1. Hi Sue – it is never to late to try something new! I do think I overcooked the squash a little. It needs strong flavours to lift it, so think feta would have been a good choice on top.


  1. Your dish looks like it turned out well. I have made spaghetti squash many ways– cut and in the oven like you did, I’ve microwaved it a few time, even added it to the crock pot before. It really is a pretty simple squash to prepare but doesn’t have much flavor on it’s own so it definitely needs to be paired with flavorful ingredients added in.

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  2. I find it takes about 20 mins in the oven but often resort to the microwave. I shred it and then use a paper towel to dab out the moisture. I see someone already gave the tip about cutting it the other way for longer strands.

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  3. Hi Barbara, I don’t think I’ve ever cooked spaghetti squash but the meal you made from it looks very nice and I like your idea of adding some feta! The photos are great despite the fading light! Thanks for linking up with #WWWhimsy – have a great weekend! xo

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I think I may be getting another spaghetti squash this week – some other bloggers have given me some handy hints. The addition of feta was definitely the way to go. Enjoy your weekend!


  4. I think it looks really good! Some feta cheese would probably test wonderful to go with this dish, just like you suggested. In the summer time (I know it’s not summer for you) I use a lot of feta cheese in a variety of dishes. I really enjoy posts like this one, it gives me many ideas. Thank you.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. That does look delicious and very adventurous. You must try a lot of recipes. I go through phases, more in the winter than summer. But that one looks like a keeper.

    Liked by 1 person

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