What’s on your plate: July

We were sitting watching Australian Master Chef the other evening and one of the challenges was to pick a type of tea and use it in creating a dish. I immediately thought I would pick Earl Grey and us it in a dessert…which got me thinking about a cake I last made in 2020. The Earl Grey Yoghurt cake was one of Molly Baz’s recipes when she was still at Bon Appétit, and I remembered it was rather good.

Last time, I used my good Earl Grey blue flower tea, but this time opted for some less special tea that I thought would do the job just as well. I also saw that last time I thought the cake a bit sweet, so I didn’t add the sugar to the top as suggested.

Here is the result – an almost identical picture to three years ago – of the cake still in the tin. It cooked perfectly in the time suggested which is unusual with our oven.

Then of course it was time for the taste test, with of course a cup of tea and a large dollop of Greek yoghurt. Verdict as before – a really moist and soft cake, which, if I was being fancy, think would go well with a lemon sorbet.

The next day I served a slice with some macerated tamarillos (I use vanilla and maple syrup in mine) and more yoghurt which actually went quite well together.

While I wouldn’t win a Masterchef with the cake, it was very good and I need to remember not to wait three years to make it again.

This well be entered in the What’s on Your Plate blog challenge hosted by Canadian bloggers Widow Badass and Retirement Reflections. This goes live on the first Wednesday of each month and you can join in too with a food related post, just by adding yours to their linkup.

Thistles and Kiwis is a Wellington, New Zealand based blog written by Barbara, who likes cats, summer, good food and pretends to garden.

You can find Thistles and Kiwis on Facebook, and also on Instagram @thistlesandkiwis. If you want to get in touch, email me on thistlesandkiwis@gmail.com or lofgren@thistlesandkiwis.com


  1. How timely is this? I just came in from planting my Monarda (bergamot) in the garden, and here is your post about an Earl Grey tea-flavoured cake? Which looks very delicious, by the way! I will be making this at some point in the future. Thanks for sharing, and joining in!


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