Words on Wednesday

Oh it was cold this morning! There was a touch of frost on the roof opposite, and it felt very crisp when I went to hang out the washing in the winter sun. Living where we are now is definitely colder, which sounds like we are miles and miles away, but in fact it is only about 10 minutes drive away. We are higher up and the old house (the one that had the slip) was definitely in a space with its own warmer micro-climate. Below is the inside of the bus stop, where I was waiting for my bus to Pilates.

After stretching and strengthening at Pilates, I headed over for lunch at one of my favourite cafe’s that has featured on the blog many times before, Squirrel. Today I opted for Maude’s chicken sandwich, made with chicken, rocket, capers, almonds, and a creamy dressing, named after the owner’s dog. I also treated myself to a slice of banana bread, which was unnecessary but tasty. I also loved the purple flower mix on the table.

Cafe and bus time enabled me to make a good start on a new book (Elly Griffiths The Postscript Murders), and after an appointment in town, I headed home to make a pot of pea soup for dinner. I served it with some really dark and beautifully soft rye bread from a local bakery, which I have to say is very good. The baker also makes a challah loaf, so will need to try that too. No picture of the soup – the lighting is no good at this time of the evening, but there are of the bread, including a slice with Over the Moon’s Garlic and Chive cheese spread (which is, I am glad to report, excellent).

Also sharing in Min’s Wednesday Words and Whimsy #wwwhimsy linkup.

Thistles and Kiwis is a Wellington, New Zealand based blog written by Barbara, who likes cats, summer, good food and pretends to garden.

You can find Thistles and Kiwis on Facebook, and also on Instagram @thistlesandkiwis. If you want to get in touch, email me on thistlesandkiwis@gmail.com or lofgren@thistlesandkiwis.co


  1. Hi Barbara, Brrrrr that bus stop looks cccold!! Sounds like a wonderful day to me. Pilates and then that delicious looking chicken sandwich and banana bread. I remember that cafe from previous posts and must say I would love to go there. I love the sunlight filtering in to it and I love the way they decorate the tables with flowers. Your challah loaf and garlic and chive cheese spread look delish too! Thank you for linking up with #WWWhimsy – hope you’re having a wonderful week! xo

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  2. Well after such a cold start you needed that lovely sandwich and banana bread. I love soft Rye Bread, so I’m sure I would enjoy challah loaf too .

    Keep warm!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Another delicious post Barbara. We are feeling cold here too in Sydney – temps are down to single digits at night..but it IS winter.


    Liked by 1 person

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