If we were having coffee…or even a cup of tea…

If we were having coffee…or even a cup of tea…it would, of course, not be face to face. I would say to you that I am a bit bored of Zoom, Microsoft Teams and Skype, and you would agree. I would also tell you that if I see another post or article headed ‘store cupboard pasta’ I will scream, and you laugh and say you know what I mean. You say you are bored with the same walk each day, and I say me too, but I actually took a different path today which lifted my spirits.

Take a different path

If we were having coffee…or even a cup of tea…we would say how it will be a strange Anzac Day tomorrow, with virtual services, no poppies to wear and a silent world. I would tell you of the family and friends in Denmark and Sweden who have had Covid-19 and how horrible it is but that they have survived. You say thank goodness.

If we were having coffee…or even a cup of tea…I would ask you what you had for lunch because our lives just now seem to centre on food. You had a bowl of soup followed by a large cheese scone with added cheese, and I say we had sandwiches and crisps. We laugh and say our lives have come to asking each other what we had for lunch.

Sandwiches and crisps

If we were having coffee…or even a cup of tea…we would talk about our plans for the long weekend, for Monday is a holiday here in New Zealand. You say you are going to bake sour dough bread after getting hold of a starter from one of the bakeries. I laugh and say you have to post pictures of it on Instagram. You say, well what are you baking this weekend? I say Anzac biscuits of course, and you laugh and say how many Kiwis will be posting pictures of these biscuits on social media this weekend. I say my weekend plans are to do a Pilates class on Saturday, watch some ballet in the afternoon, garden, bake…in fact my usual weekend in lockdown. You say you plan to binge watch something, eat bread and drink wine. We laugh.

If we were having coffee…or even a cup of tea…wait….it is time for a glass of wine…cheers to the weekend!

You can find Thistles and Kiwis on Facebook, and also on Instagram@thistleandkiwis.  As for Twitter….am totally inactive these days.  If you want to get in touch, email me on thistlesandkiwis@gmail.com


  1. I think everyone is feeling a bit of of sync not being able to be in public groups for ANZAC day tomorrow, but I’ve seen some brilliant home decorations going up to celebrate the day.


  2. The wonders of having blogging friends around the world. Before reading this post, I had never heard of “store cupboard pasta” or “Anzac biscuits.” (Hope you post a picture!) Didn’t really even know what Anzac Day was, but I looked it up and discovered it’s a counterpart to our Veterans Day. I like your name better. Anyway, certainly an interesting read today. And guess what? I plan on making bread this weekend. 😉


    1. I will post pictures of Anzac biscuits for sure! Yes Anzac Day is an important day here, one where differences are put aside for a brief moment. I actually have yeast and bread flour, so really should make a loaf too 🙂


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